
OUTFIT - asian print

Vintage jeans jacket | Dress from a local store | Six jewellery

My mum took these photos of me in the woods in Belgium. I have had this dress for a while now, but it is still one of my favorites because of the print and the colours. Traditional Asian clothing always has the most beautiful prints and this dress reminded me of those. This time I combined the dress with my vintage jeans jacket to create a more casual look and I added some gold jewellery. My exam week starts next week so from this day on I will be busy with that. Btw, I had a sudden urge to change my blog a bit so I played around with the lay-out and the lettertype. I am glad with the result, but I might change it a little more when I have the time. I guess that's it for now! Kisses!


  1. Hele leuke outfit! Rode lippestift staat je mooi trouwens!

  2. Wauw wat een mooie jurk, staat je ook leuk! De rode lippenstift staat je inderdaad mooi! x Esra

  3. Wat een leuk jurkje! En leuk dat jasje erbij (:


  4. Erg leuk jurkje, vooral hoe je hem heb gecombineerd met het spijkerjasje!


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