
OUTFIT - little white dress

H&M dress | Zara shoes | Kiko nail polish | gifted ring

Hi everyone, I am not done with my Paris posts yet, but I really wanted to show you this outfit which I wore yesterday. My parents organized a big party because they both turned 50 this year and because they have been married for 20 years! Those are definitely milestones! Lots of family and friends were invited and everyone had a really good time. My brother and I secretly raised money for a special present to give our parents and we also collected photos and stories from when my parents were young which we included in a book. I believe the gifts were a big success, so that makes me a happy girl :)
I wore this H&M dress which I am also planning on wearing to my graduation. I wore my new Zara sandals which are so, so comfortable! I love them :) The ring is a very special present for my 18th birthday which I got from my aunt and uncle. My aunt saw it in a store and thought it had my name written all over it; she's right! I thought I would brighten the outfit up a little by adding my bright blue Kiko nail polish. Well, that was my outfit! My sweet cousin Margot and I saw these flowers and thought it would be a nice backdrop. I like how these photos turned out! Thanks cous :) So, my latest news: My French exam went great, I am really happy about that! Also, my three months of vacation have started! I have got lots of fun things planned! I am thinking about doing a vlog about a special trip which my friend An and I are going on next Tuesday. I will keep you posted. Enjoy your Sunday! Love Aimee


  1. wauwwie, geweldige outfit! En je schoenen, daar ben ik helemaal verliefd op!

  2. Mooie foto's, en wat een schattig jurkje!

  3. Hele mooie foto's, en het jurkje staat je echt heel mooi!

  4. Wauw, je bent echt superknap en het jurkje staat je echt geweldig!
    XOXO Anna


  5. awh wat een lief jurkje, staat je goed!

  6. Wat een leuk jurkje. Staat je goed! Ook leuk met die kleur nagellak.
    Ik volg je nu :)


    Kiki | Chicks About Fashion


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