
OUTFIT - stripes and denim

Pull&Bear skirt (new) | Zara top (new) | Sascha boots | DKNY watch | Mango earrings (new)

Dancing along the old charming canals in Utrecht, that's what I did last week! Just before I got ill. Yes, I spent my whole weekend lying in bed with the flu: hello autumn! I will spare you the details, but I most definitely went through hell and I am glad I am feeling better now. I met up with gorgeous Judith from the blog www.myownvogueworld.com and we shot each others outfits. We only had a short amount of time, so we decided to meet up again this week for dinner. We had a lovely evening of cooking, drinking wine, talking and we even had some time to take outfit photos; those will probably be up on the blog this weekend! My mind and my time have been pretty preoccupied with my study lately. After three months of ultimate freedom en no obligations whatsoever, I notice that I certainly have to get used to taking in large amounts of information again. I have my first test next Wednesday; it's like my final exams all over again! The important thing is to stay focussed. I will let you know how it goes! Now I am off to enjoy a well-deserved evening of watching television and eating chocolate :) Lots of love, Aimee


  1. Heel leuke outfit! En leuk dat je samen outfitfoto's gemaakt hebt! :D liefs.

  2. Leuke outfit, je shirtje ziet er heel fijn uit!

  3. Je outfit is echt geweldig! Heel leuk! Succes met je toets alvast :)

  4. Supermooie outfit! weer mooie foto's! en good luck met je toets!

  5. Leuke outfit, staat je goed! Succes met je toetsen!

  6. Hele mooie outfit, je rokje is echt super! :)

  7. Ah wat een leuke outfit, nog bij een studentenvereniging gegaan?

  8. Je hebt een hele leuke outfit aan! Dat rokje is super cute. :)

  9. You look amazing very cute outfit! and loving your earrings xx


  10. I LOVE this outfit! Again, gorgeous photos!



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