
OUTFIT - grey, black and blue

SecondFemale coat | Mango sweater | H&M shorts | Zara bag | Marcus boots | C&A scarf | gifted ring

I thought it would be nice to show you my coat in an outfit post, so here it is! Utrecht has so many beautiful locations! I should really go out more and take walks; currently I feel a bit like a hermit, especially with these dark evenings; I have more or less shut myself off from the world, this afternoon I have been sitting on my couch and working on a paper about Russia. Judith took these photos of me near the Dom, which is a famous church in the Netherlands. At the moment, especially for young girls like myself,  it's a bad idea to be walking near the Dom alone at night, because apparently there is a raper active in that neigbourhood. It was even in the national news! Talk about creepy! On a happier note, it is quite a short week in Utrecht for me this week, because tomorrow I am heading home to celebrate Sinterklaas! Family time and presents, what's better than that? ;) I can't wait! Love Aimee


  1. Wat een onwijs mooie foto's! En leuke outfit.

    Kiki // Chicks About Fashion

  2. Leuke outfit! Ik vind je jas heel mooi! En veel plezier met Sinterklaas morgen :) xx

  3. Leuke outfit en mooie foto's!

  4. Toffe outfit, dat blauwe tasje geeft echt een leuk accentje! (:

  5. Wauw wat een leuk blauw tasje! Hele mooie trui heb je ook aan :) X

  6. Hele mooie outfit en foto's! Die jas is echt zooooo prachtig!


  7. hey! i was wondering, what is it that you study?

  8. Mooie outfit! en het tasje staat heel leuk bij al het zwart :)

  9. Wat een leuke outfit! Vind je shortje geweldig!


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