
NEW - checked coat

First of all, sorry dear bloggers, that I haven't been posting much lately! I had zero inspiration: I guess that's what happens when school mostly occupies my thoughts. However, this weekend I am having a creative boost. I have been reorganizing my magazines, going through my clothes and thinking of ideas for DIY's. I also made a start on my portofolio. Although I won't be studying photography next year, it's a passion of mine and I enjoy spending my time doing it. I signed up for a photography course today and my first lesson will be in a month. I'm really excited about it and I can't wait to get to know my camera better!
About this post, I found this treasure at a thrift store two weeks ago for only 10 euro's! I brought it to the dry-cleaners, because the fabric was a little dusty and now it looks brand-new! I love the cut, the red checked print on the navy blue and the parisian style it has to it. As soon as the temperature drops a little more, I'll post outfit photo's!


  1. Ahw, wat een mooie jas! Leuk is die, haha. Zelf zal ik hem niet dragen maar ik vind hem wel heel stoer.
    Al verteld dat ik je banner heeeel mooi en tof vind btw? :')

  2. Wauw, wat een mooie jas! x Esra

  3. Klinkt leuk wat je gaat doen! Mooie jas :)

  4. Waaaauw, wat een geweldige jas zeg! Echt wauw! Wat wil je eigenlijk na school gaan doen? Ik ben trouwens ook super inspiratieloos, school neemt zoveel tijd in beslag. Ik kan echt niet wachten om mijn examen te halen, haha!

  5. Wow, wat een gave jas zeg! Echt super is dat als je zo iets tegen komt :) x Elma


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